Monday, August 31, 2015

We are leaving PayPal for Paysera

Important information!
In order to improve the payment service, we move from PayPal to Paysera, the Lithuanian money transfer system. The transition shall be completed by the end of the next week. The good news is our customers will no longer have obligation to pay money transfer fees because Paysera serves free within the system. Also, we cancel the minimum of 1 EURO withdrawal amount since the Paysera operation starts.
Please, consider! You may relocate your 1 EURO plus budget with PayPal right away or wait until you can withdraw everything via Paysera without a money transfer operation fee.
Yours APM Agentuur team.
#differentinternet, #APM, #APM Agentuur, #Adpays,, #ownadvertisingboard, #OwnAdBoard, #OAD, #fairadvertising, #sharingeconomy, #collaborativeconsumption, #startup, #smallbusiness, #localbusiness, #advertising, #ads, #p2p, #peer-to-peer